If you search this topic on google you might find the answer that no we don't need an antivirus program in our smart phones, even if you search this topic on Youtube most of the Tech Channels will provide you the same answer that no we don't need an antivirus program in our smart phones. They just told you not to download applications from any unknown sources or told you to turn off the settings INSTALL APPS FROM UNKNOWN SOURCES but is that enough ??
Now my question is if we turn of the above settings or if we do not download anything from any unknown sources does that give us full protection against future malware attacks? No it simply do not give us full security from future attacks but yes if we do not download anything from any unknown sources it reduces the possibilities of malware attacks.
Malware, Spyware, Virus, Trojan can be spread from one phone to another phone through USB pendrives, messengers like whatsapp or facebook etc and it is very hard to detect them manually. So it is always a good practice to use antivirus program in your smart phone so that it can give you a real time protection from all these threats. But make sure that you update your antivirus program daily.
There are many antivirus programs available for android and for IOS, you just need to select the right antivirus for your device. Kaspersky, Avg, Bit defender, Avast etc these are well known antivirus so you can use any of these for your device.
To get maximum security for your smart phone follow the below steps:
- Use a good Antivirus in your smart phone and update it regularly
- Don't connect any pendrive to your smart phone you don't trust with OTG cable
- Try not to download apps from any unknown sources, make sure your INSTALL APPS FROM UNKNOWN SOURCE option is turned off
- Don't download anything from any messenger sent by an unknown, because malware payloads can be sent through messenger. Before downloading make sure it is not an APK file. Virus payload can easily be written with Linux distros like Kali, Parrot OS etc. So don't download anything that has been sent by any unknown.
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