Here is why you should always use VIRTUAL KEYBOARD while entering your password online

Cyber Security has become a serious issue these days. Use of internet has been dramatically increased all over the world in past 10 years and so the cyber crimes. All the online service providers are continuously working on providing their customers a secure online platform. Most of security vulnerabilities have been patched by most of the online service providers.   

But what if the users make mistakes ??  

No matter how much securities have been provided if the users make small mistakes onlineaccount information could be bridged. So it is also our responsibility to maintain and follow all the security rules that they want us to follow.    

  • Before getting into today's main topic why we should always use a virtual keyboard while entering password online i would love to discuss why it is risky to use aPHYSICAL KEYBOARD .  

To understand it from a Hacker's point of view first we will discuss what is the easiest way hackers use to track your key strokes. There are many other techniques that hackers use to get someone's password but here in this article we will discuss about a piece of software called KEYLOGGER. If somehow it is installed in your system by hackers they can track all the key strokes. Now it is very easy for them to get your password from the list keylogger generally creates. Rat or Remote access trojan helps the hackers to get into your system and steal the logs.    

Here in such cases if you use a Virtual Keyboard it is impossible for a keylogger program to track your key strokes, so even it is present in your system you are now secured from such attack if you use a virtual keyboard. 

  • The only disadvantage of a virtual keyboard is with this you can't type fast and comfortably like a physical keyboard.        

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