What is Ethical Hacker and Ethical Hacking | Read this article to get the real answer

When we hear the word Hacker the first thing that comes into mind is a bad person who generally hack into our system or network to steal important data or to harm our system but Ethical Hacking or Ethical Hacker these terms are used to describe a type of hacking performed by an individual or a company to identify potential threats on a computer or a computer network. These kind of Hackers attempt to bypass all kinds of system security and search for all the weakness that could be used by the bad hacker community often called THE BLACK HAT HACKERS. These information then used by the organizations to improve their Security.


There are different types of hacking in the list :

1. Computer Hacking - Here different types of method used by hackers to get access and steal confidential data from a system.

2. Network Hacking - Here hackers use different type of tools to gather information about a particular network and destroy the network system or steal data from different computers in a network. 

3. Email Hacking - As you can easily understand from its name that email hacking is nothing but gaining access to email accounts without the knowledge of it's owner. 

4. Website Hacking - Website hacking means taking unauthorized control over a web server or its databases. A website hacking technique is SQL INJECTION that many of you might have heard. 

5. Password Hacking - Password hacking means hackers try different techniques to gain passwords of different services and accounts. 

6. Ethical Hacking - This type of hacking involves finding vulnarebilities or weaknesses in Computer or Network System or Websites for only testing purpose and finally getting them fixed.  

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