Why you should avoid the overuse of headphones | stop it today or ready to suffer

Different earbuds or headphones are not the actual problem, the real reason that harms you is sound. Today in this article we will discuss on why it is not good to use headphone for long. You can see people using headphone everywhere, no matter you are on a bus, train, metro or road if you look around you can see many people are using headphone for hours. But trust me they are not even aware of what problems they can face in near future. Overuse of headphone or earbuds can cause permanent hearing loss. There should be a limit of everything you do, misuse or overuse always causes problem.  

Technology has both good and bad sides so you should always remember one thing that if you use it in an improper manner it would always give you trouble.  

Below in this article i will tell you some of the problems you can face if you overuse Earbud or Headphone everyday.  

1. Permanent Hearing Loss: If we listen to music on a high volume ( higher than 90 decibels ) then it might cause some very serious damage to our ears and in some cases it can permanently damage our hearing ability. So even if you are addicted to music try to listen to music in a low volume.  

2. Possibilities of ear infection: Try not to share your earphone or headphone with anyone. Sharing headphone may cause unwanted infection.                

3. Ear Numbness: This problem you might have experienced if you ever have used earphone for a very long time. This is a very common problem among the earphone users who use it for very long time in a day.                

4. Effect on brain: Earphone generates electromagnetic wave and that can cause severe brain damage if you use earphone for very long time. This kind of problem happens to them who have been using earphone for years and for long time a day.  

5. Ear-ache: This problem i personally experienced so i know it does happen. If you listen to music for very long time and on a very high volume this may lead to aching ears.  

6. Other Threats: This is something that is not directly connected to your health but overuse of headphone may also cause serious threats to your life. Actually when you listen to music on your headphone it disconnects you from the rest of the world and it may cause from small losses to really big once. Number of road accidents has been increased due to this cause so you have to be really careful on road after you read this article.

Thank You for reading this article  

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